Audio files (and corresponding resources) 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 CHAPEL MUSIC
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January 2008 (click on picture to enlarge) How to Avoid Limiting God With Words (Greg Wilde, Convocation Sermon; 39:11)
Convocation Worship Bulletin
Presidential Panel Discussion: Beholding
the Glory: Incarnation
(Darrell Harris, Lester Ruth, Jack Van Marian Resource: Amazon link for book info A Call to an Ancient Evangelical Future (David Neff; 43:30)
AEF Call text
Presidential Panel Discussion: Listening to the (Eric Bolger, Connie Cherry, Reggie Kidd, and Lester Ruth; 44:42) Resource: Amazon link (Tim Roberts, Convocation Sermon, 21:44) Resource: Convocation Worship Bulletin Remembering: Highlights from the Memorial Service for Bob Webber Resource: Memorial Service Bulletin Commencement Sermon (soon to be posted) (Brian McLaren) Resource: Commencement Worship Bulletin Resource: Commencement Bulletin insert IWS Mission Statement (Jim Hart, 5:11) Related Article: Missional Theology of IWS: A Working Description (by Eric Bolger) (Jerry Borchert, 04:54)
Alumni Seminar: Brian McLaren Introduction (including Brian's personal story, 18:15) Onramp to a Postmodern Conversation (46:57) Resource: PowerPoint Presentation (PDF) Q&A-Session 2 (16:49) (Topics include: borrowing from other traditions) Spiritual Formation in the Emerging Church, Part 1 (41:26) Resource: PowerPoint Presentation (PDF) Q&A-Session 3 (14:40) (Topics include: Mt. 16:13-"the Son of Man") Spiritual Formation in the Emerging Church, Part 2 (29:09) Q&A-Session 4 (10:27) (Topics include: Newtonian worldview) Public Worship as Spiritual Formation, Part 1 (36:14) Resource: PowerPoint Presentation (PDF) (Topics include: dealing with criticism & understanding modernity) Link: Basketball concentration exercise Resource: PowerPoint-Prayer for enemies (PDF) Public Worship as Spiritual Formation, Part 2 (36:14) (Topic: The Lord's Prayer) Link: McLaren bonus chapter download Public Worship as Spiritual Formation, Part 3 (56:57) Global Mission in the Postmodern World (54:40) Resource: PowerPoint Presentation (PDF) Q&A-Last Session (49:29) (Topic: applying seminar principles in the church) Benediction (3:12) Resource: Christ Has No Body Here But Ours (PDF) Link: Overview of Brian's books
January 2007 (click on picture to enlarge) (Eric Bolger, Convocation Sermon, 20:36) Resource: Convocation Worship Bulletin The Divine Embrace: Panel Discussion (Darrell Harris, Andy Hill, Keith Ray, and Carla Waterman, 36:58) Resource: Amazon link for book info Who Gets to Narrate the World? (Bob Webber, Sermon preached at Bethany Beach Tabernacle, August 13, 2006, 38:24) Introduction to "Thirty Days of Worship Discovery" (Bob Webber and Pastor Joel Kruggel of Harbert Community Church, September 10, 2006, 3:38) Resource: Web link for more info (Bob Webber, Sermon preached at Harbert Community Church, September 10, 2006, 36:06) (Darrell Harris, Sermon preached at the Service of Healing and Eucharist, September 11, 2006, 13:42) Resource: Report and pictures from the service Resource: Worship Bulletin
June 2006 Session Catechumenate Across the Curriculum (Bob Webber, Presidential Address, 27:09) Resource: Presidential Address handout (Keith Ray, Convocation Sermon, 27:09) Resource: Convocation Worship Bulletin Commencement Comments (Sam Pascoe, 10:21) Resource: Commencement Worship Bulletin Resource: Commencement Bulletin insert Reflections on a Day at IWS (Patrick Keifert, 16:05) Resource: Summary of Dr. Keifert's observations
Alumni Seminar: Harold Best Resource: Seminar Outline/Working Notes (PDF) Thinking Theologically About Worship and the Arts (8:07) The Aesthetic Impulse (27:48) Musical Process and the Creative Spectrum (30:15) Absolutes and Relativities in Art (75:48) Text, Music and Truth (14:37) Discernment and Appropriateness in Church Music (19:00) Worship as Continuous Outpouring (24:47) Manipulation in Worship Music (57:25) Personal Story: Struggle with Emotional Illness (14:29) The Arts in Worship (68:14) Music, Art and Gospel (47:22) Why Stay Behind When You Can't Catch Up? (16:40) Local Authenticity and Set-apartness (33:42) Popular and Mass Culture (15:29)
January 2006 Session A Call to an Ancient Evangelical Future (Bob Webber, Presidential Address, 34:01) Resources: How to Read an Academic Book (Reggie Kidd, Convocation Sermon, 30:36) Resource: Convocation Worship Bulletin
(Bob Webber, Presidential Address, 38:21) Resource: Presidential Address Outline (Jack Van Marion, Convocation Sermon, 23:42) Resource: Convocation Worship Bulletin Commencement Welcome and Remarks (Bob Webber, 11:37) Resource: Commencement Worship Bulletin Resource: Commencement Bulletin insert
January 2005 Session How Do You Welcome the Resurrection of Jesus Christ for the Life of the World? (Bob Webber, Presidential Address, 30:41) Resource: Presidential Address Outline Introducing the IWS Alumni Association (Bob Webber/Kent Walters, 7:58)
(Bob Webber, Presidential Address, 34:21) (Constance Cherry, Convocation Sermon, 30:46) Resource: Convocation Worship Bulletin
World-Saving Worship-John 4 (Stanley Grenz, President's Choice Address, 38:41)
First IWS Commencement Address (Bob Webber, 9:30)
Chapel Series (Darrell Harris) Resource: IWS Chapel Worship January 2008 Series: "Shadows and Light: Epiphany in the Everyday" (Download individual talks by clicking on the titles below). Chapel 1: Finding Your Family (12:34) Chapel 2: Great Art Won't Always Match Your Couch (11:17) Chapel 3: The Melchizedek Priest (14:45) Chapel 4: A Light for the Gentiles (14:01) Chapel 5: The Great Baptismal Exchange (being edited) Chapel 6: Saving the Best Till Last (being edited) June 2007 Series: "The Ancient-Future Worship Leader" (74:14) (Download the entire series by clicking on the series title above, OR download individual talks by clicking on the titles below). Chapel 1: What Is Ancient-Future Worship? (10:56) Chapel 2: Jesus: the A-F Worship Leader (13:34) Chapel 3: A-F Worship Is Always Trinitarian (14:49) Chapel 4: The Earliest Worship Service (7:52) Chapel 5: A-F Worship Always Tells a Story (13:49) Chapel 6: A-F Worship Is Always Participatory (15:01) January 2007 Series: "By Water and by Fire" (63:37) (Download the entire series by clicking on the series title above, OR download individual talks by clicking on the titles below). Chapel 1: Burning Bushes (8:26) Chapel 2: Be Strong and of Good Courage (8:48) Chapel 3: Star Fire (12:06) Chapel 4: Jesus' Baptism (9:35) Chapel 5: Our Baptism (13:33) Chapel 6: Owning His Cross (10:48) June 2006 Series: "The Ruinous Work of Pentecost" Chapel 1: Ruinous Event (14:34) Chapel 2: Waiting (11:47) Chapel 3: Wind (11:45) Chapel 4: Fire (09:48) Chapel 5: Languages (14:35) Chapel 6: Sending (17:56) January 2006 Series: "From Bethlehem to Left Behind" Chapel 1 (15:02) Chapel 4 (16:08) Chapel 2 (13:30) Chapel 5 (15:30) Chapel 3 (12:34) Chapel 6 (16:39)
Holy Radiant Light (Phos Hilaron), Alexandre Gretchaninoff (5:32) (IWS Choral Ensemble, June 2006, Dan Sharp, conductor) Resource: Recording background Resource: The Phos Hilaron It's All About Me: The Bob Webber Narcissistic Un-Worship Song (by Rob Still, 2:04) Resource: It's All About Me (lyrics) Resource: It's All About Me (lead sheet) |
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Kent Walters, Director of Alumni Activities
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Institute for Worship Studies Attn: Dana Brodsky, comptroller 151 Kingsley Ave. Orange Park, FL 32073 |
Last updated: March 22, 2008. Direct corrections, questions or input about this site to |