In This
to go to the article.
· In
this issue
Seminar reflections
· Seminar
Keifert analyzes IWS
Congrats new grads!
New on the
Web site
Borecki in India
McClaren in 07
From the seminar:
church isn't meant to be a showplace for music. Rather, music must
serve the liturgy and the liturgy must serve the Word" (Harold
Best, Alumni Seminar 2006).
From the seminar:
discernment and appropriateness in choosing church music is a matter of
conscience-ridden, prayer-driven choice- making as compared to concern for
what other churches are doing. Church growth by envy is a terrible thing" (Harold
Best, Alumni Seminar 2006).
We need your
thesis abstract
DWS graduates: If you have not yet
emailed your thesis abstract to me,
please do so
today. As our Web site goes public these lists
will be a valuable research tool. Thanks to all of you who have
already sent yours. Check out the
lists--this is clearly a deep reservoir of knowledge and
practical application.
Keifert on his
IWS experience:
"I saw a group of people having fun—delighting in learning
and being with one another—while working hard. I saw no one not fully
engaged" (Patrick Keifert, June 2006).
Keifert on his
IWS experience:
"You are giving respect to practitioners as serious
theologians. I saw in every single class practitioners, without apology,
being invited to do hard theological reflection on their experience and
being honored as persons who do so. That’s a big deal. You are sitting
on the top of a revolution in theological education"
Keifert, June 2006).
Keifert on his
IWS experience:
"I saw exemplary team teaching. This is a high virtue and
hard-won achievement" (Patrick
Keifert, June 2006).
Contact Information
The Institute for Worship
Florida Campus
151 Kingsley Ave.
Orange Park, FL 32073
Ph: 904.264.2172
Fax: 904.278.2878
of Alumni Activities and Editor of Anamnesis
Kent Walters
7323 Westlane Ave.
Jenison, MI 49428
H: 616.457.5234
C: 616.304.9363
W: 616.538.9350 ex 15
Fax: 616.538.3564
In This Issue
. . .
We remember and celebrate the blessings of the recent June Session in this
edition of Anamnesis.
We all know that IWS in a unique community and that God works in deep and
significant ways in this place and people. He has done remarkable
things in our lives and in the lives of those we serve as a result of our
IWS experience. May you be renewed and relive the joy on the journey
in reading about God's hand--ever present and ever faithful--in the events
of the June Session at IWS.
Kent Walters
Serving as your link to the IWS community
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Reflections on Alumni Seminar 2006
Our third annual alumni gathering in Orange
Park was a memorable occasion in many ways. We began on Saturday with a
lunch meeting with Bob followed by the viewing of his Wednesday
presidential address on video (click here for the
audio link and
link). The remainder of the afternoon was spent visiting classes. Some
of us gathered at Carrabba's on Saturday evening for some great food and
conversation. Highlights on Sunday included joining the Grace
Anglican (formerly Grace Episcopal) family in worship at Orange Park High
School, and participating in the commencement service that evening. The two-day seminar with Dr.
Harold Best occurred on Monday and Tuesday and was very well received.
During the evenings we were able to attend the practicums.
Enough of the dry details. How about
some more pictures?
Click on the link to jump to the picture page on the Alumni Web site.
The following testimonies
provide personal reflection on
the event, which, true to IWS form, was refreshing and life-changing.
Back to Scripture
(Steve Blasdel - Beta, DWS 2003):
Harold Best's
seminar was a
reminder of how encompassing worship is and its significance in our
lives. His presentation was comprehensive, well thought out, biblical,
and applicable in today’s church. I plan to review the notes I took later
this summer, but the first impact was to draw me back to scripture and
consider where I have strayed from what I know to be true
biblically. I greatly appreciated the interaction with him and former
Truly Inspirational!
(Brian Walrath - Alpha, DWS 2002):
[Editor's note: sorry for big
picture, Brian. It just seemed right.]
The Alumni Seminar
was a great time of learning and discussion...just like
'old' days. It felt good to be back in class (without the pressure of
homework to follow) and it was also nostalgically sweet to hear some of my
former classmates posing questions like they used to do. I appreciated
Harold's flexibility and his willingness to alter his lecture plan,
distribute his notes, and then 'wing it' with Q & As that took us more
'organically' and less linearly through his planned agenda. I was blessed
by his depth of knowledge, but more so by his vulnerability and candor in
sharing his own ongoing pilgrimage spiritually and intellectually. That
was truly inspirational! (When I grow up I'd like to be as much a
life-long-pilgrim/learner as I see Harold and Bob are.)
New Resolve for Worship Renewal
(Robin Ziegenfuss - Delta, DWS 2004):
Harold Best had a tremendous influence on how
I perceive the role of music in worship through his book, Music Through
the Eyes of Faith. So when I heard he was going to
speak at the Alumni Seminar, it was a foregone conclusion that I would
attend. This was my first trip back to the school since graduating
in 2004. It was great listening to Dr. Best talk about his
philosophy of worship and participating in discussions with him about his
thoughts and ideas. He was personally transparent, professionally
inspiring, and academically challenging. Well worth the price of
admission! An added benefit was the opportunity to renew
friendships. I also got to meet current students and reassure them that,
indeed, it is possible to graduate! It was great to experience the
camaraderie and to enjoy the morning worship with Darrell. I was flooded
with memories while I was there and left with a new resolve and
determination to continue to push for worship renewal in my home church.
It was a personal and professional blessing to attend. I am already
looking forward to next summer.
A Spiritual Retreat
(Liz Wetherby - Aleph, MWS 2004):
As is true of my entire
experience at IWS, the Alumni Seminar ministered to me deeply. It was a
privilege to be there. Just being on campus was a spiritual retreat.
These highlights come to mind: singing the prayers before meals and the
wonderful arrangement of "The Lord's Prayer" in worship,
being with our
remarkable and God-centered faculty, hearing Darrell's chapel messages as
he explored the signs and wonders of Pentecost, worshiping in the practicums. All this was richness that could only come from God. On top
of all that, it was a beautiful gift to sit under the teaching of Harold
Best. At times I felt (as someone else put it) as if I were trying to take
a sip of water from a fire hydrant. There was a fullness to his teaching
and a sweetness to his spirit that made academic knowledge go straight to
the heart. His presentation was deep and authentic and my life is
tremendously richer and my service to God more meaningful as a result
of his teaching. I recommend the Alumni Seminar to all alumni.
In every way it is a continuation of the unique educational experience
that is only found at IWS (without the homework!). Thanks to those whose
efforts and vision made it possible.
The Unexpected
(Linda Borecki - Zeta, DWS 2005):
Based on what I have
experienced of IWS life and events, the June reunion was not exactly what I
expected. I arrived anticipating the enlightenment and adrenaline rush of
Big Scheduled Events--lunch with Bob and alumni, seminars with Harold
Best, graduation pomp and circumstance. Those all were great, but I left
remembering and changed most by the unexpectancies--small graces that
catch me off-guard and then lodge in my memory. Here are a few. When I returned to the abode of the family
who housed me each semester, my
host said, “Welcome home.” A Darrell Harris phrase from a chapel message
lingers: remain in readiness. Kent Walters blew the tough-as-nails Alpha
class image by rendering an unceasing stream of camaraderie, nurture, and
Excedrin. Carla Waterman’s eloquent prayer of healing for my killer
headache, “Dear Lord, please fix Linda’s head,” still makes me laugh. (God
and Excedrin did the trick.) One more: Ex-Grace Episcopal Rector Sam
Pascoe was assisting in communion in the sanctuary from which he is now
exiled, and while others were singing, praying, or meditating upon
transcendent meta-narrative truths, I was watching Sam serve under the
authority of a visiting priest who did not know the community and its
rhythm of liturgy. I waited to see what wry sarcasm or one-upmanship
might occur. Yet during communion the presider referenced Sam and
deferred to his silent and subtle leading of liturgy via eye contact and
body language. I was impacted by the humility and gentility they
exhibited in trying circumstances. Just another serendipitous grace to be
expected in the cosmic story of salvation (and IWS).
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Alumni Seminar Feedback
As promised, here is a summary of the
comments received on the evaluation forms at the conclusion of the Alumni
Seminar in June. We received responses from 14 of the 18 registrants
present and the following data was compiled from those forms.
Evaluation and Feedback Responses |
We extended the seminar to include activities on Saturday based on
input from last year’s registrants. How did we do? Please comment
on the schedule and planned events. |
Everything was just right (10)
Prefer longer (2)
Prefer a 2-day format (2) |
Positive Comments
(things liked):
· Lunch with Bob
· Worship at Grace Anglican
· Being free from Sunday responsibilities
· Visiting classes (11)
· Saturday PM meal with alumni (11) |
· More time with Bob
· More time to visit classes
· Session with the speaker on Saturday |
One of the great things about the IWS family is that we
(alumni) are always welcome to come early for and leave late from the
seminar event in order to visit classes, attend chapel services,
etc. So, you are free to craft your own “retreat” schedule. I’ll
encourage the faculty to have additional copies of their class
notes/syllabi available for future sessions. |
Based on the above, would you like to see a shorter or longer
timeframe for the entire seminar? If so, what would you delete
or add? |
Most everyone liked the timeframe (Saturday noon through
Tuesday afternoon). 3 people felt it could be longer to include
more time to visit classes and/or to extend the seminar time with
the speaker into Wednesday morning. Note: scheduling is always
limited to the speaker’s availability. |
Please comment on the speaker and seminar content. |

The responses were consistent in praise
and high marks
for Harold Best.
Here are the comments:
The “Best!”
literally and figuratively.
A real treat. Rich.
A very rich
time. Real and personal.
Probably a bit slanted toward the
Harold was
excellent. I had not engaged the topic as deeply as this seminar
presented it.
excellent, excellent! He deals with things rarely if ever touched
and does it all humbly yet with authority.
Interesting and helpful even though we strayed a little at the end
dealing with sexuality. Relevant, but would have rather spent
more time on his books.
Harold was so
wonderful. I appreciated his heart and openness. I am so
grateful to God for these days.

Dr. Best was
excellent. Content was superb.
We have truly
sat at the feet of a master.
though I wish the content was more deliberately connected to the
broader issue of worship.
He was wholly
Giving us the
outline and notes was great. The question/answer times were most
Incredible! I
really wasn’t looking forward to this seminar that much, but his
spirit and humility totally captivated me. I have been in a place
of apathy and dryness. His words, especially on Monday morning,
were a source of life and refreshing for me.
The better
portions (in my humble opinion) were the times Harold ditched the
outline and shared from his heart or responded to questions.
June the preferred month for the annual seminar or should we
consider doing it during the January Session? |
· 13 of 14 responders prefer June to January. Several commented on the
benefit of being able to attend the graduation in June. (It was
really great to have so many grads process in their regalia!).
A couple people suggested that we consider a gathering both in June
and January. Perhaps that will be necessary in the future as our
preferred class size and available space limits us to 20-25
registrants. And, some alumni haven’t been able to participate in
June due to ministry constraints. |
What suggestions do you have to improve future seminar events?
Suggested speakers, topics? Logistical or organizational ideas? |
· Several speaker suggestions were made, along with the idea to plan
more alumni meals during the session, and to consider a seminar on
senior pastor-worship/music pastor roles and relationship.
I, too, have considered for some time the value of addressing the
staff relationships issue in the seminar context. It seems that we
could easily plan a seminar on this topic and invite the pastor and
worship pastor to attend together. Do you have any suggestions for
a speaker/facilitator? Perhaps a senior pastor-worship pastor team
would be good. Can you imagine the impact the IWS community could
have on staff relationships and worship in general in this context,
not to mention the potential healing of stressed or fractured
relationships? From my informal calculation, the majority of IWS
church musicians/pastors are experiencing or have experienced
moderate to significant stress in relational and/or
theological/philosophical areas with members of their church staff.
· What are your thoughts? I’ve started a post on the
Alumni Message
Board on the subject. Let’s get some dialogue started from which we
can gain some sense of perspective on the range of issues that most
often produce stress and steal joy in the journey. How
is the Lord granting grace and humility in your situation? |
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Patrick Keifert Visits IWS
Dr. Patrick Keifert is Professor of Systematic Theology at Luther
Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, and also spends considerable time in
research and consulting around the world through
Innovations, a non-profit institute he helped found.
He spent a day on campus in June
visiting classes and interacting with students and faculty. Bob
invited him to share about his work and ministry with the IWS community
that evening unaware that as a part of that talk he would offer a critical
analysis of IWS as a result of what he had experienced in his visit.
Listen to his truly remarkable and perceptive comments about IWS (audio link
Read a few of his observations in the
sidebar on the left. To
read more,
click here.
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to our 2006 Grads!
The fifth IWS
Commencement was held on Sunday, June 18 in the context of another
inspiring eucharistic service of worship. We welcomed 23 new members
into the IWS Alumni Association that night. We're now 121 strong!
[Click to see the
2006 "regalia" pics].
Click to see the
commencement bulletin and
graduates insert.
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New on
the Alumni Web site
I always concentrate on
adding resources,
audio files, etc. after
each of the sessions. And, of course, after the June session I
expand the Alumni
Directory and thesis lists
by adding the new graduates and their thesis titles. So, there is a
lot of new stuff. You've seen some of it if you have clicked on the
links above. There's more. Go to the
Web site and browse around.
I'm especially excited
to be able to make the
audio links available. You can easily download some inspiring listening on your computer
or portable mp3 player. Burn a CD to listen to in the car.
AND--I will soon begin
editing video files of the session with Harold Best and other video
recordings from the archives to make available on the Web site. Be
patient though, this will take a little time.
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Alumni Focus: 30 Days
in India
Linda Borecki
(Zeta, DWS 2005) spent 30 days in India last January. Read about her
experiences in the next edition.
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planning now to attend next year's post-graduate event. The dates
are June 16-19, 2007 and our guest will be Brian McLaren on the
topic of the emerging church. Save the dates on your calendar. More
details later.
Brain McLaren's Web
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