Dear Students,

I am sorry I can't be with you today to welcome all returning students and introduce all the new students.  Please be aware that I am with you in spirit and in prayer.  Welcome back to all of you.

I also want you to welcome Jim Hart as my successor.  Jim was appointed as the President-elect on my recommendation, with the full support of the faculty and by vote of the Board of Trustees.  I also appointed him Provost so his full title is Provost and President-elect.

Jim is my natural successor as he has played a crucial role in the development of IWS since the beginning.  He helped to locate the school here in Florida and in this church.  He was a member of the first class, the Alpha class, and served as Dean of Students while he was a student himself.  Since his graduation he has served as Dean of Administration, then Vice-president and after my death will serve you as the President of IWS.  Jim knows IWS inside and out.  He will provide excellent leadership so please give him a very warm welcome.

My prayer for you is that you have a term of study enriched by a deepening spirituality, the making of new friends and empowerment for your ministry.

Bob Webber

January 3, 2007