September 2009                                             Tenth Anniversary Fall Edition                                         Issue #20

In This Issue

Click to go to the article.

·   From the editor

·   President's column

·   Alum focus: Karen Durbin

·   Congrats '09 grads!

·   First January Seminar

·   IWS' impact: stories

·   Alumni Event reflections

·   IWS to the Holy Land

·   Sharon Kivell

·   Alumni news

·   Teachers Seminar
































New audio files on the IWS Web site

Check out the latest resources added to our site:

·  Audio from the
  Tickle Seminar

·  Audio from the June
, including
  Carla Waterman, Jim
  Hart and Darrell Harris

·  Chapel talks: Songs
   of Assen
















































Book for the January Session

The Biblical Psalms in Christian Worship: A Brief Introduction & Guide to Resources, by John D. Witvliet (Eerdmans, 2007). Click on the title for more information.






















































The Psalms and the Grammar of Worship

"On any given Sunday, each of us comes to church with something different to say. Some of us come ready to tell God "thank you!" Others want to cry "why?" Others are ready to say "I'm sorry"though we all need to. . . . Good worship services make room for these essential words. They help each of us express our particular experience, but they also help us practice forms of speech we're still growing into. . . . The biblical Psalms are the foundational mentor and guide in this vocabulary and grammar for worship."

(John Witvliet, The Biblical Psalms in Christian Worship: A Brief Introduction & Guide to Resources, 12).






































Alumni Seminar
June 13-15, 2010

Mark your calendar for our June Seminar with Dr. Simon Chan, Earnest Lau Professor of Systematic Theology at Trinity Theological College in Singapore.

Dr. Chan's book, Liturgical Theology: The Church as Worshiping Community, is another must-read for everyone in the IWS community!

View a list of Chan's published works here.









































New photos added on the IWS Web site

Check out the new picture galleries:

·   Photos from the
   June Session

·  Photos from the
   Tickle Seminar

·  Commencement







































Ancient Evangelical Future group in Facebook

Darrell Harris has created a Facebook group using "The Call" as the central and defining element. In his words, "I envision it becoming a seething hotbed of ancient-future Christian thought, and ancient- future worship, in particular." In just a few weeks the group has already burgeoned to over 600 members! If you're on Facebook, check it out.
































10th Anniversary Events

It's not over yet! Click on the thumbnail below for an overview of the remaining events planned during our 10th anniversary year of celebration.

































Speaking of Facebook groups...

Check out Carla Waterman's FB group created to facilitate dialogue around themes raised in her book, Songs of Assent.








From the Editor: Part of God's Story

Self-centered by nature, we all need reminders that life is not about us or our story. While we may understand and resist this narcissistic predisposition, our thoughts and actions too frequently reveal a chronic love of self"me-centeredness."

This quote from Bob Webber helps me regain proper focus:

"A dominant error of some Christians is to say, “I must bring God into my story.” The ancient understanding is that God joins the story of humanity to take us into his story. There is a world of difference. One is narcissistic; the other is God-oriented. It will change your entire spiritual life when you realize that your life is joined to God’s story" (Robert E. Webber, Ancient-Future Worship: Proclaiming and Enacting God’s Narrative (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2008, 23).

This 10th Anniversary Edition features stories—stories of lives and ministries that have been profoundly changed through IWS and Robert Webber, but, really, changed by God. The first is Karen Durbin's story of personal transformation and worship renewal in her church. Then, you'll read short accounts of transformation in the lives of other alumni and students who have been impacted by IWS. Praise God, who has opened His arms to welcome us all into His awesome story through which we discover that He is making ALL things new. And thanks be to God for using IWS in all of our lives to that end!

My special appreciation goes to those who contributed a part of their story to this edition. Speaking for them, I invite you to read their stories through the lens of God's redemptive love, giving thanks that He has redefined who we are today and the persons we are becoming in Christ.

On to the stories . . .

Kent Walters, D.W.S. (Alpha 2002)

President's Column: Telling the IWS Story
by Dr. Jim Hart

This summer I had the opportunity to study for two weeks at the Institute for Educational Management of the Harvard Graduate School of Education in Cambridge, MA.  Our class of 82 comprised upper level higher education administrators from all over the world. There were presidents, provosts, VPs of all sorts, lawyers, chiefs of staff, and even one former NFL Hall of Famer who is an athletic director. 

During those two weeks I had many opportunities to tell the IWS story to my classmates. But, with 81 other yarns also being spun, the rubric of brevity often came into play. The following piece was conceived as a sort of brief elevator speech.  In other words, if you had around one minute to ride with a potential student or supporter in an elevator (albeit a slow one), what would you say about IWS? How would you succinctly communicate the value and impact of an IWS education with accuracy and passion? Here are some “talking points” from which you can form an elevator speech.

Talking Points for IWS

·         Founded by renowned theologian Robert Webber with the goal of offering academic courses to train pastors, music ministers, worship leaders, theologians, church leaders and lay people to understand and practice renewed worship

·         Only institution in North America exclusively dedicated to graduate education in Christian worship, committed to forming servant leaders in worship renewal

·         Augments one-week January and June on-campus intensive classes with quality distance learning technology

·         All courses are designed with an “ancient-future” perspective employing Biblical, theological, historical, cultural and missional reflection

·         World class faculty of worship scholars

·         Utilizes a practical, student-directed, co-learner instructional philosophy resulting in the formation of an intentional learning community

·         Students and faculty come from over 40 denominations and fellowships, from almost every state, and around the globe

·         Affordable and accessible program, located in Orange Park, FL (Jacksonville suburb)

Now, go spread the word on elevators everywhere!

How to participate in financial support of IWS:

Your participation in this ministry is essential as IWS presses forward to carry on its mission of forming servant leaders in worship renewal. Every gift is significant—no gift is too small. Thanks to your faithful support, in spite of difficult economic times the mission of IWS continues to advance. Thank you for your partnership and commitment to the Lord's work in and through IWS.

Checks should be made out to IWS, noted "Annual Fund" and/or "Scholarship Fund" and sent to IWS, 151 Kingsley Ave., Orange Park, FL 32073. Tax deductible donations may also be made online through the website ( Gifts may be designated in memory or honor of a loved one, and/or may be anonymous.

The Lord be with you!

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Alum Focus: IWS—Holy Space

by Karen Durbin

Here is another story of transformed lives and worship renewal. I asked Karen Durbin (M.W.S., Beth 2005, D.W.S. candidate), who serves as Minister of Music and Worship at Grantham Brethren in Christ Church in Grantham, Pennsylvania, to share some of her story—how both she and her church have been changed as a result of her training at IWS. I encourage you to check out the 18 “Core Values for Worship” that Karen has helped articulate for her church and posted  on the church’s web site.


When I try to describe the IWS experience, I often refer to it as holy space. Several years ago, as I was seated in this space surrounded by the worshipful voices of fellow students and faculty, the words of a simple song burned in my spirit. It was as though Jesus Himself was singing to me:

I will change your name; you shall no longer be called

Wounded, outcast, lonely, or afraid.

I will change your name; your new name shall be

Confidence, joyfulness, overcoming one,

Faithfulness, friend of God, one who seeks my face.

(D. J. Butler, ©1987 Mercy Publishing)

As the words washed over me, I was reminded of the powerful transformation in my life. Jesus Christ was forming me into His person, one who is confident, joyful, overcoming, and continually seeking His face.

It made no practical sense for me to begin the masters program at IWS in January of 2003.  However, in the midst of feeling broken and exhausted, the Spirit of God insistently held IWS before me. I could not refuse His prodding. During my first Convocation Service at IWS, Jesus Christ met me during the Eucharist and performed a profound, mystical work of healing in my spirit. I serve a Brethren in Christ congregation. So, you can imagine the theological struggle I had, personally and professionally, when Jesus met me during the Eucharist. This encounter was only a beginning in experiencing Christ outside the boxes that are often constructed for Him. I had to deal with what had happened to me that night. Through my course work at IWS, I was able to explore the theology of the Lord’s Supper through the lens of scripture and the theology of my denomination. I developed a communion liturgy for our church that is consistent with both. We continue to use this liturgy during our monthly celebrations of the Lord’s Supper and have included anointing and intercessory prayer. While anointing with oil is part of our tradition, it has been primarily a private practice with pastors, deacons, and individuals seeking physical healing. Bringing this practice into the corporate worship of our congregation has made it more accessible and visible, allowing us to address other areas of need, such as prayer for emotional, spiritual, and relational healing.

The IWS commitment to communal learning and worship planning has influenced how services are planned in my congregation. The Brethren in Christ have a long, rich history which values the role of the community of faith. I was able to build on this foundation and develop a worship planning team structure. This structure allows for a multiplicity of voices in planning our services while allowing me the opportunity to teach the basics of worship as the team works together. There have certainly been challenges. People often bring their own ideas about worship theology which reflects the impact of our individualistic culture. My IWS education has been invaluable in navigating these waters. I have leaned heavily on the Spirit of God and the prayers of fellow classmates throughout these years.

From my early days at IWS, I have desired to do something in worship that would be helpful to my denomination. Now, some six years later, my doctoral thesis work is making such a contribution. The Brethren in Christ do not have a seminary, and our Minister’s Manual has limited guidelines for corporate worship. As a result of my work through IWS, I have been appointed to create worship curriculum for the Brethren in Christ. The first class, “Focusing Our Worship,” is beginning this month. It is a distance learning course which pairs biblical foundations for worship and the core values of our denomination. I am both humbled and elated to be entrusted with this work.  

It was an amazing blessing to have been on campus when Bob Webber was still with us. He was filled with the presence of Christ and taught me the importance of always pointing toward Jesus. I remember when Bob sat in on one of our classes. Someone asked, “What do you hope we will take away from our time here?” I will never forget his response: “I pray that the ruinous work of the Holy Spirit will be so apparent, that you will have no idea what to do and will have no other option than to throw yourselves into the hands of almighty God.”  

God has called me to tasks in which I don’t know the answers, to places where I can’t see the “why” and don’t know what to do. It has often been like coming to the edge of a very high cliff and knowing that God wants me to step off into His hands. Like the scene in the Indiana Jones movie, The Last Crusade, I identify with Indiana who can’t see the stone bridge across the canyon and must step off the edge in faith, trusting that the needed support is there. As God continues to do His work of transformation in my life and the life of my congregation, I have been repeatedly compelled to step out in faith and trust in God’s faithful, empowering presence.  "'Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit,' says the Lord"  Zech. 4:6, NIV).

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Congratulations to our New Graduates!

On June 14 we celebrated our eighth Commencement Service (Commencement Bulletin / Graduates Insert). Phyllis Tickle delivered the sermon entitled, "Ascension People." Download the sermon here (11:22, 5.20 MB). 

Congratulations to the 37 graduates (21 DWS, 8 AGCWS and 8 MWS) who were conferred degreesthe latest credentialed offspring of Bob Webber's vision and the newest complement of servant leaders in worship renewal! The membership of our Alumni Association now totals 235 (167 DWS, 17 AGCWS, 51 MWS).


See a larger version of this picture as well as additional graduation photos by following the links below.

Commencement 2009 photos

June Session Photo Gallery 2009

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First January Seminar Planned: Jan. 6-8

Many of you have asked for an IWS seminar in January. Your dream is now reality as part of our 10th anniversary celebration. As you remember, January is (usually!) a great time to be in Florida, and we anticipate a very good response for this event.

January 6-8, 2010

Dr. John Witvliet

The Beauty and Glory of the Triune God:
Grounding Worship in the Doctrine of God

John Witvliet is Director of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and professor at Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary (Grand Rapids, MI). He is a gifted author, editor, scholar and visionary, whose work at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship is making a significant global impact on worship. Learn more about John here.

The 2-day seminar will take place on Thursday-Friday, but you are encouraged to arrive on Wednesday to enjoy the Presidential Address with Jim Hart at 3:30 p.m. and the Opening Convocation Service at 6:30 p.m. in which Dr. Witvliet will preach.

January 2010 Seminar link:

SCHEDULE and Seminar Description

The seminar registration fee is $100.00, excluding meals and lodging. You may register a fellow church staff member or your spouse for half price. Registration begins November 1. Register online from the Seminar page, or download a copy of the registration form for mail-in registration.

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The Impact of IWS: A Few Personal Stories

IWS has opened many doors and has given me the skills I need for effective worship planning. It has also helped to shape my faith in such a deep way that I cannot describe it. I am “ruined” to the worship of the recent past. [Jarrod Brown, D.W.S., Mu 2008].


Here are some changes in worship at my church (United Methodist Church, Smethport, PA) because of IWS. 1) Understanding: Through bulletin inserts, newsletter articles, letters, one-on-one conversations and short term studies, the general knowledge about worship, its parts and flow has been improved. This is an ongoing effort because of new people and those that need a refresher. 2) Flow of the service: Although I am used to a four fold pattern, the parts of the worship service have been tweaked to achieve a different feel. We have moved the Passing of the Peace to after the message as a response and a preparation to the offering. Opening prayers now contain elements of confession and pardon as we prepare to hear the Word of God. 3) The sermon: The intent of my preaching has changed. I follow Bob Webber’s idea of telling God’s story, or at least a piece of the story, each Sunday. 4) Eucharist: Although the United Methodist Church, as a denomination, encourages Eucharist every Sunday, the church I service has it once a month and does not like to change. I could just do it every Sunday, but not every battle can be fought in every location. As a result of my work at IWS, I do insist on the Eucharist every Sunday during the Sundays of Easter. The mood of thankful joy has not yet been achieved. 5) Choir and special music: Worship music has always been a challenge. I do not always find an ideal place for these expressions. I have changed the label from anthems to titles that speak to the function they are exercising. This is a touchy point because the congregation likes the “performance” of the choir and special music. I want participation and not performance, but I have more to do in this area. James White said that the choir is to lead the congregation, but I am not sure this is happening.

Besides the ways worship has been changed in positive ways, I have been teaching one Continuing Education class each year for the local clergy. Last year I taught "The Dynamics of Worship." This past Spring I taught "Liturgical Theology: Why We Do What We Do When We Worship." It is my hope to continue to teach into retirement, which is coming in a year or so. In fact, teaching in retirement was the major reason to get a Doctorate in Worship Studies. [Bob George, D.W.S., Theta 2007].


IWS totally changed my life! I had been in music ministry for 26 years. While I loved serving God through music and pastoral counseling, I frequently felt something was missing. The course The Sacred Actions and Ministries of Christian Worship taught by Carla Waterman and Reggie Kidd initiated a shift in my career focus. The ministries of healing and counseling became more and more important to my life and work. I resigned from my music ministry position at St. Peter’s United Methodist Church, in Wellington, Florida effective December 31, 2007 and went on extended leave of absence from pastoral appointment. In January 2008 I began working toward a Masters in Counseling Psychology through Palm Beach Atlantic University in West Palm Beach. Being on leave of absence for the past year and a half also enabled me to be free in the daytime to care for my aging father until his eventual death this past May. I continue teaching private music lessons, and I’m also involved in many hours of counseling each week. I will graduate in 2010, and I plan to move to Houston, Texas to be closer to my children and grandchildren and to open a private practice and work toward licensure as a biblically-based marriage and family and mental health counselor/therapist. My involvement in IWS definitely helped give me the insight to discern a new divine calling on my life and the courage to follow God’s leading. [Meg Bellows, D.W.S., Delta 2004].


When I heard about IWS, I thought the school had been designed specifically for me. I had a very solid biblical background through my undergraduate work and had a masters in music.  I hadn’t been in school in nearly twenty years but wanted to pursue further graduate study.  Seeking an MDiv degree was not viable given my family obligations, and I had no practical use for a doctorate in music. I will be eternally grateful for Bob’s radical vision for IWS. When I was nearing completion of the D.W.S. program I began to search for a new opening in worship ministry since my senior pastor’s retirement was on the horizon and new leadership would not be receptive to the insights that I had been gaining at IWS. A unique opportunity presented itself at Huntington University to design and teach a new major in worship leadership that would be a ministry degree program rather than part of the music department. I am now starting my fifth year and remind myself daily that I am privileged to do what I do. It is due to the reputation of Bob Webber and the strength of the Institute that Huntington University recognized my doctorate and invited me into their academic community. I am deeply grateful. [Bob Myers, D.W.S, Theta 2007].


I often share with others the spiritual transformation that has been ignited in me since being part of the IWS community. For years I was looking for a post graduate experience but did not want a doctorate in music or education. I wanted to study something in ministry but did not want to be a pastor. I discovered IWS on the Internet and read about Robert Webber. I was impressed, so I emailed the school and Dr. Hart responded. I was concerned that this school had other minority students and whether or not the program would be relevant to the Black religious experience. I was not disappointed. My very first class with Eric Bolger hooked me. I love the Lord with all my heart, and the opportunity to learn more about the role of worship in spiritual formation was the answer to my search. I have been a minister of music for 30 years and did not realize how much I really did not know. The old adage that knowledge is power has truly manifested itself in this nurturing environment. This has been a life-altering experience for me, and church members have noticed and commented in positive ways. I serve as Special Assistant to the Senior Minister for Worship and Music at the Shiloh Baptist Church in Washington DC. I am more confident that my calling is divinely appointed. I teach my choirs from a more sound biblical and theological foundation. I assist in shaping the broader vision and mission of the church from a more spiritually informed perspective. If being a vessel of honor for God is your prayer, then you will not find a more anointed, enriching, spiritually deepening experience than IWS. I am a grateful and blessed disciple. Thank you IWS for being the conduit through which God is changing my life. [Thomas Tyler, M.W.S., Daleth 2008, D.W.S. candidate; pictured above during Practicum, June 2009]


Thank you for the opportunity to share how IWS has affected my life and ministry. I teach at Nyack College, New York City, and I can truly say that the degree I completed at IWS has been helpful to me in every class I teach as well as in my own devotional life. What is more, the well-done worship sessions we so enjoyed together on campus provided me an ecumenical perspective which has enriched our entire Sacred Music program at Nyack. Continuing contact with our Kappa cohort and frequent contact with alumni continues to bless me. [Sue Talley, D.W.S., Kappa 2007]


When I began studies at IWS in 2001 I was at a crossroads in ministry. I had been a worship leader for 30 years and was troubled by the thought of doing the same things the same way for another 20 years. IWS was a life changer. From my first class I felt a special bond of love and mutual encouragement with my fellow classmates that was deeper than I had experienced in the local church. It was living, biblical koinonia. My previous educational experiences had been limited to the Southern Baptist denomination, so the cross-denominational environment at IWS deeply enriched my walk with the Savior. Through IWS I have been stretched, challenged, inspired and motivated to worship God in Spirit and in truth, and to tell the grand story of God's salvation through Jesus Christ. IWS was the greatest educational and spiritual experience of my life. I fell in love with the Word of God during those years. So, after 24 years as Associate Pastor of Worship, my church called me as their Senior Pastor in 2007. I believe the growth and maturity in my spiritual life is a direct result of my years at IWS. I will be forever indebted to Bob Webber for his vision and passion for worship. I will be forever grateful for my professors who poured their lives into mine. May the favor of the Lord rest upon IWS. [Don Fugate, D.W.S., Delta 2004]


When told of my intention to work toward a Doctor of Worship Studies degree, some of my music teacher colleagues asked why I wanted to pursue a doctorate. They correctly reasoned that I would not earn any more money, the degree would be expensive and very time-consuming, and I did not need another degree to do the work that I was doing. However, I felt that I was in a "rut" and needed fresh ideas and enthusiasm. The IWS classes were informative, enriching, and encouraging. The people I met and the friends I made are "priceless." Upon completion of the degree, I had an unexpected blessing: a call from Dr. Clay Linhdstam, Vice-President of Academic Affairs, at Trinity Baptist College in Jacksonville, FL. He gave me the opportunity that I had always hoped for—a chance to teach in a college setting. At first, I taught the college piano students; then class piano. Finally, another surprise: the music department head resigned and I now have the privilege of teaching not only piano, but also music history and literature, aural skills (part of music theory), and seminar in music education. I am beginning my 7th year as a college professor and absolutely love it! Without the IWS experience and degree I would not have been invited to be a part of Trinity College! I teach students who are studying for music ministry in churches, Christian schools, and on the mission field.  Praise the Lord! [Sandra Roberts, D.W.S., Beta 2003]

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Alumni Event 2009 Reflections

Phyllis Tickle led a stimulating 2-day seminar on the Great Emergence during the June Session. Unquestionably an expert on the topic, Phyllis vigorously wove together stories, data, diagrams and analysis. She brought helpful perspective on emerging voices and cultural trends in the U.S. and abroad which are making significant impact on the church. Phyllis also delivered the Commencement sermon, Ascension People (download mp3 audio, 11:22).

Audio files from the alumni seminar are available for downloading on our website along with a very helpful annotated bibliography. Look for video files of the seminar in the coming weeks.

Phyllis loved her time with us at IWS. Read her warm assessment of this experience and her endorsement of the Institute here.

Click on the thumbnails below to see larger versions. Don't miss the full Alumni Event 2009 picture gallery.

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Here are a couple reflections from participants at the event:

I thoroughly enjoyed the seminar with Phyllis Tickle. Her fascinating discussion of how our culture is shifting and the results of that cultural shift on faith helped to explain several issues that I had observed over the years. Her command of the material was most impressive and her generous spirit was truly wonderful. She raised issues that both challenged us and gave us hope for the future in our individual ministries. My wife, Jan, who serves on our church staff as Adult Education Director, also attended and gained some great insights. We'll do the seminar again! [Lee Cooke, D.W.S., Xi 2009]


Phyllis Tickle engaged me with her incredible knowledge of church history and her perspective on changes, or transformations, currently taking place. Her articulate, candid, and witty presentation captivated my attention and stretched me theologically. The day-to-day ministry can push us to the point that we simply go through the motions. This seminar, as well as the worship times with the IWS community, helped me center on hearing God’s voice, respond to God’s initiation to worship, and reaffirm God’s call for my life. Another key element of this alumni gathering was the fellowship with other like-minded worship “fans” (or fanatics!). [Susan Huckaby, D.W.S., Iota 2006]


Make plans now to attend the 2010 Alumni Seminars:

January 6-8, 2010 with Dr. John Witvliet

June 13-15, 2010 with Dr. Simon Chan

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IWS Holy Land Trip Scheduled

Often called "the trip of a lifetime," here is your opportunity to travel with and learn from a top New Testament scholar. Jerry Borchert is leading another of his classic teaching tours to the Holy Land the end of this year, this time for a contingent of IWS alumni, students and friends. There is still room for youbut make your reservation ASAP!

The dates for this memorable tour:
December 26, 2009-January 4, 2010.

Click on the photo on the right to download the travel brochure, which includes the travel itinerary, trip cost and reservation details.

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Sharon Kivell with the Lord

We remember and mourn the death of one of our alumni, Sharon Louise Kivell, D.W.S. (Iota 2006) of Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, who recently died of a sudden heart attack. In this loss we celebrate the ancient promise: Absent from the body . . .  present with the Lord.

Sharon was born September 7, 1948 in Toronto, Ontario and died Wednesday, August 19. 2009. You may view her biography, photo gallery and memorial guest book here.

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Alumni News

Jim Altizer, D.W.S. (Mu 2008)

Producing a series of short teaching videos on worship is the fruit of Jim's recent vision for impacting worship in churches. The series is typified by the succinct presentation of timely worship topics including, How Do You Imagine an Unimaginable God? Are There Different Types of Worship? How Do You Choose Songs for Worship? How Do You Evaluate a Worship Service? Jim has recorded 11 videos so far. Below is a sample of the excellent work Jim is doing with this project. Check out the others on his website/blog: Roadmaps for Worship.

Alternate video link

Kai Ton Chau, D.W.S. candidate (Pi 2010)

Kai Ton was recently appointed Assistant Professor, Jack Van Laar Endowed Chair of Music and Worship, at Kuyper College in Grand Rapids, MI where he begins teaching this fall. Previously from Toronto, his family remains in Canada until they can join him in Michigan. Pray for them during this time of separation and transition.

Carol Hochhalter, M.W.S. (Beth 2007, D.W.S. candidate) also teaches at Kuyper College where she oversees the worship degree program.

Sharon UpDyke, D.W.S. (Iota 2007)

Congratulations to Sharon who will be wed in April! She and her fiancé, Bill Welsch, are planning a 4-fold worship service for their wedding. (Wouldn't Bob be pleased!). Sharon will continue as Associate Pastor at Mars Hill Baptist Church in Mars Hill, North Carolina. Bill, who retires in March, will serve in the church and community especially through a project the church is sponsoring called Fields of Hope—a produce ministry providing fresh farm grown vegetables for hunger relief to 17 North Carolina counties. Last year the project produced 48,000 pounds of fresh produce, and this year 50,000 pounds have already been harvested only half way through the harvesting. 

Here's the official announcement:

Sharon Howell UpDyke


William Lowell Welsch

will worship God and celebrate their marriage

on Saturday, April 10, 2010 at 2:00 p.m.

at Mars Hill Baptist Church

in Mars Hill, North Carolina.

Ray Valdez, M.W.S. (Gimel 2008; D.W.S. candidate)

Ray reports, "In 2001 I began leading teams to Bulgaria to partner with local evangelical churches in the country. For 6 years we have worked with the Evangelical Pentecostal Church. Our goal is to improve the visibility of the church in the village. This year we conducted a sports and English camp. In addition we provided ministry training in worship, youth, children and family ministries. We are also working to help support church plants in the outlying villages along the Greek and Turkish border." (Click on the thumbnail photos above).

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Seminar for teachers of worship

Lester Ruth will teach a three-week seminar as part of Calvin College's Seminars in Christian Worship next summer: Case Studies from the History of Worship: Prospects for Research & Pedagogy in a Variety of Theological Disciplines, June 28-July 16, 2010.

The seminar will focus on the development and pedagogical use of case studies from the history of Christian worship, and will explore how these case studies could be used in teaching courses in worship or the history of Christianity, especially, as well as in theology and religious studies more broadly. Those who are curious and creative about approaches to teaching and have responsibility for teaching worship-related classes or could use worship as a way to teach related subjects are encouraged to apply.

For more information about the seminar as well as application details, click here. The application deadline is January 15, 2010.

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© 2009 The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies

Contact Information
Robert E. Webber
Institute for

Worship Studies
151 Kingsley Ave.
Orange Park, FL 32073
Ph: 904.262.2172
Fax: 904.278.2878

Director of Alumni Activities and Editor of Anamnesis
Kent Walters
7323 Westlane Ave.
Jenison, MI 49428
H: 616.457.5234
M: 616.304.9363