Anamnesis: The IWS Family Newsletter |
November 2007 Fall Edition Volume 4, Number 3 | |
In This Issue Click to go to the article.
IWS Mission Statement The Institute for Worship Studies forms servant leaders in Christian worship renewal and education through graduate academic praxis, grounded in biblical, historical, theological, cultural and missiological reflection in community.
Jimmie Abbington on MSNBC
Jimmie Abbington, MWS faculty member, was featured in an October 3 NBC News report on musicians in the church. The video (2:23) is available online.
Email Spam Question: Why do I sometimes get a pile of junk email through the IWS email system? Answer: It's a mystery, but Ken Rushing has some advice for helping eliminate unwanted email from spamming and spoofing. Read his article: Viruses, Spamming, Spoofing and More.
Pass me on
Someone you know needs to be
introduced to the unique education available at IWS. Why not forward this
newsletter link to
From Don Saliers "[Human] pathos [in worship] without God's ethos [His self-giving] is tragic self-expression; God's ethos without human pathos figured in Jesus is opaque, that is, sovereign but not serving. As Augustine said long ago: 'Without God we cannot. Without us God will not'" (From Worship As Theology: Foretaste of Divine Glory, 36).
Your news Please share your news with the IWS community. Send me an email with a few details about your life, family, ministry. Anamnetic minds want to know.
Your Profile Is your personal profile (contact data and employment info) up to date on the Web site? It is important that this information is accurate for our reports during the accreditation process (e.g., to indicate percentage of graduates in worship related work). Would you logon to your profile in the directory (students / faculty-staff / alumni)? Click on your name, and then click the Update button. Click the link to have your username and password emailed to you. If your email address has changed contact me for your password info. Thanks so much! This is huge.
Tis the season Dan Sharp, DWS faculty member, has provided another valuable contribution to choral directors from his carefully chosen repertoire files: Choral Anthems for Advent and Christmas, Part 1. You might be looking for one more piece for this season. Check out his suggestions and be looking for Part 2.
Highlights in this issueWhen I began pulling together the content for this edition, I thought that it might be one of our shorter newsletters. But, once again, this Fall edition is loaded with news and info that you will find interesting and hopefully stimulating as well. Here are a couple highlights. I'm excited to facilitate a brief glimpse into the international impact of IWS with feature articles from two alumni serving in other parts of the world, one by Jonathan Wong (DWS 2005) and one by Nancy Nethercott (DWS 2006). You'll be introduced to the eleven members of the IWS Board of Directors. I was thrilled as I read their bios and began to see the incredible amount of talent, experience and vision that is resident in these leaders. I can only include a few of the many responsibilities and accomplishments of these fruitful and devoted servants of the Kingdom. As you read, will you pause and pray for each of them and their influence on the ministry of IWS? This and much more. Read on.
by Jonathan Wong (DWS, Eta 2005) In April 2007, I was teaching a course on the biblical foundations of worship at Pacific Rim Bible College in Honolulu. While lecturing one day on early Church worship it was as if Bob was standing next to me encouraging me to speak out. In that moment, I realized that his legacy is being carried on by those of us touched by his life at the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies.
This past June I taught a one week seminar for 35 pastors and lay leaders
Asian Theological Seminary in Manila,
Philippines titled, Worship Team
Leading: A Pastoral, Priestly, and
Prophetic Approach to During my stay there I also encountered extreme levels of poverty and pollution that I came to realize is not unusual for a third world country. My host noted that of the 12 million people in Manila close to 40% live on $1.00 a day. A faith-stretching moment happened the day before I planned to discuss the importance of God’s justice and worship. One of the pastors asked that we pray for his senior pastor who had recently been kidnapped by the military/police for speaking out against the corruption in the government. I was fearful for our safety and the wellbeing of the seminary, but after discussing it with the program director we decided to go forward with the talk because God calls us to seek justice for the poor and the oppressed. The Holy Spirit spoke to each of us that morning as we renewed our covenant to seek his justice in all our relationships. My time in the Philippines also affirmed that God can use me in the Pacific Rim and Asia. Lord willing, my wife and I will return to Asian Theological Seminary next summer to teach a course on the arts and worship for their M. Div. students in pastoral studies. Describing the missional theology of IWS, Eric Bolger (Academic Dean and MWS faculty member) writes: "A focus on God’s mission has been the guiding star of IWS from the start and remains the heart of its Vision Statement (below). . . .[And] is also apparent in its Mission Statement" (on the left). Read Eric's article, "Missional Theology of IWS: a Working Description." Vision Statement: The vision of the Institute for Worship Studies is situated in the Divine Narrative. It seeks to serve God’s action in history to express his lordship over all creation through worship. Accordingly, it aspires to be an institution that:
1. Focus. Emphasizes God’s story of creation, incarnation and recreation through which God brings the entire cosmos under the reign of Christ. 2. Theology. Draws on the classical interpretation of Scripture, affirmed by the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Council of Chalcedon, together with the affirmation of an evangelical grounding and ecumenical outreach. 3. Culture. Offers an ongoing critical appraisal of Christian worship, with an open mind and heart to an authentic faith and practice in the twenty-first century. 4. Ethos. Remains a small, self-sacrificing, simple school of students involved in an intense spiritual interaction with each other, unencumbered by building ownership, big budgets and a large full-time staff. 5. Influence. Seeks to “teach those who teach,” continuing to raise up leaders around the world whose ministries are grounded in intentional theological reflection. 6. Technology. Pursues its vision through an educational methodology that combines an on-campus experience of academic learning and spiritual community, distance learning components and up-to-date technology. Ms. Janet Carlson Investment consultant, Roseville, Minnesota B.S. (Education), University of Minnesota Masters course work, University of Minnesota
Dr. Melva Costen B.A. (Education), Johnson C. Smith University M.A.T.M. (Teaching Music), University of North Carolina Ph.D. (Curriculum and Instruction), Georgia State University Honorary doctorates (Litt.D.) from Wilson College and Erskine College
The Rev’d Dr. C. Wayne Freeberg Dr. Freeberg is an ordained Pastor assigned to Christ the Redeemer Cathedral Church in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. He serves as Chair of Education and Ministry for the Diocese. In addition, he is President of CWF Consulting, working with religious and distance education colleges and universities.
Wayne holds a
post-doctoral certificate in Leadership from Harvard
Prior to ordination, he served Governors Askew, Graham, Martinez, Chiles and Bush as the chief administrative officer for Florida's Board of Independent Colleges and Universities. Wayne and his daughter, Diana, live in St. Augustine, Florida, where Diana is a sophomore at Nease High School.
Dr. James R. Hart B.M. (Sacred Music), Oral Roberts University
D.W.S., The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Jim continues to serve as the Director of Music and Arts Ministries at Grace Church, Orange Park. His influence and assistance was instrumental in the establishing of the IWS Florida campus. Jim initially served as Dean of Students, and, at Bob Webber's request and with the full support of the Board, faculty and staff, was appointed as the school's second president earlier this year.
Dr. John Lindsell, Chairman of the Board Ed.M & Ed.D. (Administration, Planning, and Social Policy), Harvard Univ. M.T.S. (Church History), Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
A.B. (English
Literature), Wheato John is Headmaster at the St. James School in Montgomery, Alabama. He also teaches on finances in nonprofit organizations in Harvard’s Summer School. Previously John worked as the Headmaster and CFO at Westminster Schools of Augusta, Georgia and also as the Assistant Superintendent for Finance for the Merrimack School District in New Hampshire. Johns serves his local community of Montgomery on various committees.
Mr. Matthew Price B.A. (English), Mt. Vernon College
M.A. (Church History
and Communication Theory), Wheaton College Mr. Price has served in various roles in the publishing business for over 20 years including business owner, author, publisher, marketing and sales director, producer, and consultant. He developed multiple curriculum resources and textbooks as vice-president and publisher of Abbott-Martyn Press and has had nineteen books published by eight different publishers. Matt has been honored as a publisher with 3 Gold Medallion Awards (one for The Complete Library of Christian Worship) and an Angel Award for producing the video I Am Wonderfully Made. Matt is the Executive Director of the Institute for GIS Studies (GIS, Geographic Information System, is a computer system that records, stores, and analyzes information about the features that make up the earth’s surface).
The Rev’d Dr. Tim Roberts
M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary D.Min., Columbia Theological Seminary Tim has served in churches in Tampa, Florida and Norfolk, Virginia, and has been the pastor of Orange Park Presbyterian Church since 2003. His church (IWS’s neighbor) graciously provides education space for our master’s classes. Tim and his wife Staci have 3 children.
The Rev’d Dr. R. Wayne Stacy B.A., Palm Beach Atlantic University M.Div., Ph.D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Joanne Lindsell Webber
B.A. (Education), Wheaton College
(Masters in Public Administration), J.D., John Marshall Law School, Chicago, IL Joanne worked in education, social work, and law in the public sector for 30 years, and has been retired since 1997. She resides in the home she and Bob built at Bethany Beach in Sawyer, Michigan.
The Rev’d Dr. Luder G. Whitlock, Jr.
The Rev’d Sharon Williams
has been in ministry for over 30 years, and
currently serves as
Executive Pastor of Ministries
Christ the Redeemer
Church in Ponte Vedra
Beach, FL.
Her areas of expertise
include principle-centered teaching, missions, mentoring, prophetic
ministry, dance and drama. Sharon has a specific passion for women’s
ministry. Her vision is to see women set free, made whole and thoroughly
equipped to become the women God has destined them to be. She helped
create “Women Alive,” a monthly gathering and weekly radio program
designed specifically to minister to women and their needs.
Look for Alumni Event 2008 details in the Winter Edition of Anamnesis. Greg Barmer, DWS (Alpha, 2002) Greg has served as the Minister of Music at First Baptist Church in Washington, NC for the past 12 years. He gave me permission to publish a personal story he shared with me via email a couple weeks ago. Congratulations Greg! I recently had the surprise of my life. In a matter of moments I had both the greatest shock and greatest honor of my life. Throughout the entire 11:00 a.m. service on October 7 I agonized over why on earth this odd collection of people I loved were in attendance—my mom and sister, several “second moms and dads,” a few folks returning for the second service who had already been at the early service, the church secretary (who is not a church member), etc. Then, at the conclusion of the service, a choir member came up and began sharing with the congregation the story of “To God Be the Glory” and that Joel Raney is a favorite keyboard arranger of mine. All this time I was sinking deeper into confusion.
Joel Raney and
Jane Holstein,
Click here to view the video clip (18:33) of this presentation recorded as it happened. Then, answer this survey question: On a scale of 1 to 5, to what degree does Greg look "shocked" in this video? 5= "Oh, my...I can't believe this is happening!" 1= "Man, this service is getting long." Organ/piano duets by Joel Raney. Don Fugate, DWS (Delta, 2004)
After 24 years as Associate Pastor at Foxworthy Baptist Church in San Jose, California, Don accepted the call to be Senior Pastor this past September 23rd. God’s blessings on your ministry, Don!
Merril Smoak, DWS (Alpha, 2002) Merril is the Associate Pastor for Music and Worship at Trinity Baptist Church in Livermore, CA. He also teaches on worship and music at Olivet University in San Francisco. Here is the report on Merril's sabbatical abroad that was promised in the last edition of Anamnesis. Once again, congratulations, Merril! This past June we celebrated 29 years of ministry here at Trinity. On June 17 my wife, Donna, and I departed for a four week sabbatical in Italy and Greece. In Italy we stayed in a farmhouse near Lucca; highlights included hiking the Cinque Terra and hearing the Gregorian Chant at Abbey Sant' Antimo. Our two weeks in Greece included ancient Corinth, Patmos, Ephesus, other islands, and then Athens. It was a joy to be with Donna for four consecutive weeks! The IWS experience and the teachings of Bob Webber continue to impact my life, ministry, and teaching. Everyone must read Bob's "The Divine Embrace". I believe it to be one of his best books. Special greetings to my ALPHA brothers. Click on the pictures below to enlarge. 1) Merril & Donna at the Abbey in Italy; 2) Coliseum in Ephesus; 3) Areopagus in Athens Alumni Focus: Nancy Nethercott, DWS(Iota 2006) serving in Tokyo, Japan
1995, we established
CAN (Christians in the Arts Network),
which is now our main ministry focus and joy. The purpose of CAN is to
connect, equip, train, and encourage creative individuals to be effective
leaders of church renewal and growth. We hold worship seminars, workshops,
retreats, and mentor young adults and do a lot of networking. We hos In 2002 I found an IWS brochure in a magazine. I was very excited about the program because one of my ministries is planning and leading worship services in Japanese churches. I was also amazed to see that Carla Waterman was teaching at IWS. Carla was one of my roommates when we were students at Bethel University in Minnesota! My DWS projects and thesis focused on worship renewal in the Japanese church. I have applied so much of what I learned at IWS to our situation here. For example, I lead a CAN project called Alleluia! Seminars offering “Worship Renewal Workshops” in local churches. I have also had the opportunity to do training in the area of biblical worship design and planning in Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. Link to the Nethercott family blog. Dear Students, Alumni, Faculty, Staff, Board Members and Friends of IWS, Because of your prayerful support of the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies and your commitment to our mission of forming servant leaders in worship renewal, IWS continues to thrive and grow. Enrollment remains high and our graduates, faculty and students are impacting worship renewal and education around the globe. During our June session, we hosted an affirming visit from an accreditation team with the Association for Biblical Higher Education in response to our candidacy application. The Commission for Accreditation meets in February and will communicate their decision at that time. This Spring, through generous donations of books, shelving and funds, we expanded our library from 200 to 8,000 volumes and added a part-time library staff. The Board of Directors has been expanded with the addition of Dr. Melva Costen, Ms. Janet Carlson, Dr. Tim Roberts, and Ms. Joanne Webber. It is exciting to be part of the fulfillment of the vision of IWS! IWS remains committed to its mission of promoting worship renewal and education through academic praxis, grounded in biblical, historical, theological, cultural, and missiological reflection. We fully understand that the ongoing fulfillment of our mission is truly a team effort. That team includes you, the students, alumni, faculty, staff, board members and friends of IWS. With the illness and subsequent death of our dearly loved founding president this past year, IWS has been propelled into a new phase of ministry and leadership. Many within our family have assumed a significantly increased role in supporting and promoting our mission by investing time, talent and treasure into our school’s future. Last year we established the Annual Fund, raising close to $50,000. Additional gifts have been designated for scholarships, the library, the Alumni Fund and the Robert E. Webber Endowment Fund. As the school has grown and matured, related operational expenses have also grown. New areas of expense include our accreditation pursuit, library resource expansion, technology upgrades, and activities related to development and recruitment. We want to continue responding to the challenges of entering a new era without our founder and faithfully fulfilling God’s mission for IWS. Therefore, we are launching the 2007-8 Annual Fund, chaired by alumna Karen Carpenter, with a goal of raising $75,000 to bridge the gap between tuition revenue and true operating costs. We are relying on your generosity to help build the financial muscle we need for a secure future. Our students will greatly benefit from the gifts received, and the mission of our beloved institute will continue to be fulfilled. We have already raised over 8% toward our target for this year’s Annual Fund, with additional funds pledged. Our goal for this drive is again to receive 100% participation from the board, faculty and staff of IWS and a high percentage of participation from the students, alumni and friends. No gift is too small. This year IWS has been given a generous matching grant of $20,000 from a Michigan foundation, a matching gift of $15,000 from an alumna, as well as matching donations from board members. That means every dollar you donate to IWS will be doubled! Because of our emphasis on worship renewal in light of the missio Dei (mission of God), we also request that IWS be considered in the mission budgets of your churches. Checks should be made out to IWS, noted “Annual Fund,” and sent to IWS, 151 Kingsley Ave., Orange Park, FL 32073 attn: Dana Brodsky. Donations may also be made online through the website. All donations are tax deductible. Gifts may be designated in memory or honor of a loved one. Thank you for your support of the Lord’s work in and through IWS. Grace and peace to you,
James R. Hart, President Letter from the Alumni Fund Chair Dear Friends, Students, and Alumni of IWS:
I am
honored to write this letter encouraging all of us not only to continue,
but also to increase our support for the Institute for Worship Studies.
The Institute for Worship Studies is poised to lead a radical worship renewal throughout evangelical churches in the United States as well as around the world. We need to keep the vision and provide support for the spreading of the vision through prayer, service, and financial gifts. Dr. Jim Hart, President, the Board of Directors, faculty and staff are committed to fulfilling the mission of the Institute. Let’s provide the support they and the faculty need to lead the way. Very truly yours, Karen K. Carpenter, D.W.S. Delta Class, 2006 © 2007 The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies |
Contact Information
of Alumni Activities and Editor of Anamnesis