IWS Alumni News

April 2005                                                        Faculty Resources Edition                                 Volume 2, Number 2

In This Issue

Click to go to the article.

·   Honoring Stan Grenz

·   About this Edition

·   New Books by IWS Faculty

·    Resources by Reggie Kidd

·    Resources Online

·    Articles by Lester Ruth

·   Cherry on Priorities

·   A Sharp Rehearsal

·    Speaking Engagements

·    Alumni Seminar 2005

·   Newsletter Contest










DWS Thesis List

A comprehensive list of the doctoral theses has been compiled and will be accessible on the Alumni Web site in the future as that site is further developed.  In the mean time click here to view this data listed by name or by date











The "June Read"

Bob Webber has chosen the following book for the IWS community to read for June 2005: Mystical Theology: the Integrity of Spirituality and Theology by Mark Allen McIntosh (Blackwell Publishers, 1998).  See more info at Barnes & Noble.
























Out of Touch

Some of you still need to update your profile on the Web site Click on “Directories” and then select "Alumni Directory".  Click on your name.  Click  “Update”. If you don’t know your user name and password, contact me or Ken Rushing.  After you have updated your profile be sure to email Ken so that he can activate your changes. Thanks!





















A Book You'll Use

If you have not yet seen The Worship Sourcebook (Baker Books, 2004) you must do so.  Here is a resource you will likely keep on your shelf next to your favorite hymnals and prayer books that you use weekly.  It is a vast repository for the "words" of worship.  Click to read an introduction  and a review.























Alumni Giving Makes a Difference

This June Daniel Longhin begins doctoral studies at IWS thanks to help from the Scholarship Fund.  After the June Session Daniel, his wife Valerie, and their 4 sons leave for their first term as missionaries to Argentina (Daniel's home country).  Along with their work in church planting Daniel will teach worship at a seminary in Brazil.

When you write a check to the IWS ALUMNI FUND be sure to include your class name [e.g., IWS ALUMNI FUND (Alpha Class)].  If you desire to designate your gift to a specific area, please indicate that also [e.g., IWS ALUMNI FUND—SCHOLARSHIPS (Alpha Class)].

Needy and deserving individuals like Daniel say "thank you!"















Contact Information
The Institute for Worship Studies
Florida Campus
151 Kingsley Ave.
Orange Park, FL 32073

Ph: 904.264.2172
Fax: 904.215.0799

Director of Alumni Relations and Editor of IWS Alumni News
Kent Walters
7323 Westlane Ave.
Jenison, MI 49428
H: 616.457.5234
W: 616.538.9350
Fax: 616.538.3564

The IWS Community Mourns

The IWS community extends love and sympathy to Edna Grenz in the sudden death of her husband Stanley on March 12. 

The community of Christ suffers a significant loss in Stan's homegoing.  The impact of his career in teaching and writing cannot be humanly measured.  Those of us who attended the IWS seminar that Stan taught last June were inspired and enriched by his teaching.  Now we realize how privileged we were to have shared that experience.

Edna is a member of the Eta class and will graduate this June.  Our thoughts and prayers continue on her behalf.

For memorial details and tributes click here.  For information on Stan's life and ministry as well as a list of his books and downloadable articles go to www.stanleyjgrenz.com.


Special Faculty Resources Edition

We all need the ongoing mentoring of the wise and trusted in our lives in order to be stimulated to personal growth and the renewal of worship in our places of ministry.  We are especially grateful for the significant contributions members of IWS faculty have made in our lives that have affected us and our ministries.  This edition of the Alumni News features resources, primarily from the faculty, to further equip and inspire you in ministry. 

The ultimate vision is to develop a resource section on the web site that will provide easy access to materials that will help you learn and grow as well as equip you with fresh ideas and resources for ministry.  The articles and audio files on the January 2005 Session page of the Alumni Web site are a beginning. 

Please forward to me any information that you feel would be of value and interest to your fellow alumni (articles, Web links, book recommendations, choral/worship music suggestions, etc.).  We all know there is a lot of "stuff" out there, so this material must be the best of the best: trusted, proven, and valued resources.  Let's serve one another and benefit again by the sharing we all appreciated when we were together on campus.

Click on the links at the top left to quickly navigate to the individual articles in this edition.

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New Books by IWS Faculty

Hill, Andrew E.  1 & 2 Chronicles. NIV Application Commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003 (699 pp. ISBN 0-310-20610-3).

The books of Chronicles retell the story of Davidic kingship in ancient Israel.  This analysis "reads" the story as a theology of hope, a biography of God, and as a call to worship.  Specific worship-related topics include: David as a worship leader, sign and symbol, sacred time, and sacred space.  See more details.

Kidd, Reggie M.  With One Voice: Discovering Christ's Song in Our Worship.  Grand Rapids: Baker Books, forthcoming Fall 2005.

Chapter summaries and a thumbnail of the cover may be viewed at www.reggiekidd.com.

Ruth, Lester.  Early Methodist Life and Spirituality: A Reader.  Nashville: Kingswood Books, forthcoming 2005. 

This is an anthology of writings from over 60 Methodists in the first 50 years of American Methodism.  It explores everything from Jesus Christ, worship ecstasy, to death.  Click for more info.

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Resources by Reggie Kidd

Reggie Kidd has completed two of a projected eight-part video series on The Heart of Paul. The first is Paul and His Theology.  The second is Paul and the Galatians

The third and fourth parts are due mid-2005: Paul and the Thessalonians, and Paul and the Corinthians.  They're produced by Third Millennium Ministries (www.thirdmill.org).  For purchase information contact: aposs@thirdmill.intranets.org.

Reggie has made available the script for a series of seven chapel talks he presented at Reformed Theological Seminary.  The topic is the apostle Paul and spiritual formation through the lens of the seven virtues: faith, hope, love, prudence/godliness, justice, self-control, and courage.  Click here to download the PDF file.

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Resources Online

The following is a short list of web sites that offer many resources you are sure to find useful.  What sites would you recommend?  Let me know.

Calvin Institute of Christian Worship—Web site


Very practical and helpful resources including, for example, a great bibliography: The Worship Planners’ Bookshelf.  Bibliography link: (http://webapps.calvin.edu/worship/resources/docs/wshp_planrs_bkshlf.php)


Religion Online—Articles resource


This site features more than 5,200 articles on topics including Old and New Testament, Theology, Ethics, History and Sociology of Religion, Communication and Cultural Studies, Pastoral Care, Counseling, Homiletics, Worship, Missions and Religious Education.  There are 46 articles on Worship/Liturgy in the Local Church category.


Third Millennium Ministries—Free resources online


Free online resources including audio sermons, electronic books, and Reggie Kidd’s worship resources page.


Good read on choral music in worship—PDF format


A thought provoking outline by John Witvliet: Singing our Prayers, Praying our Songs from a 2003 ACDA National Convention presentation on the liturgical use of choral music.

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Articles by Lester Ruth  

I requested that the faculty supply us with information on articles they have written since the first class graduated from IWS in 2002.  Dr. Ruth responded with the following list.  You may be aware of some of these resources if they were presented to you in class.

First, here is an article that has not yet been published that offers guidelines for assessing the content of worship titled, Worship True to God.  It will soon appear in our resources section of the Alumni Web site.  You may access it by clicking here: Worship True to God.

“Why not ‘Move’ Advent to November?”  Reformed Worship 69 (September, 2003): 8-10.

“Urban Itinerancy:  ‘Stational’ Liturgy in Early American Methodism.” Studia Liturgica 32, 2 (2002): 222-239.

“A Rose By Any Other Name: Attempts at Classifying North American Protestant Worship.”  In The Conviction of Things Not Seen:  Worship and Ministry in the Twenty-First Century.  Edited by Todd E. Johnson.  Grand Rapids: Brazos Press, 2002.  (This book, a festschrift to honor Robert Webber, also includes essays by Constance Cherry, William Willimon, Donald Bloesch, Rodney Clapp, and others).

“The Second Sunday in Pentecost Worship.”  Circuit Rider 26, 5 (September-October, 2002): 27-8.

“Word and Table: A Wesleyan Model for Balanced Worship.”  In The Future of Methodism: Trajectories into the Third Millennium.  Edited by Paul Chilcote.  Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2002.

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Connie Cherry on Worship Priorities

You probably received a copy Connie's recent article in an IWS mailing earlier this year, but I wanted to make sure you have a chance to read it so I'm making it available here as well.

The article, "My House Shall Be Called a House of . . . Announcements", is the result of 16 months of research in 30 different churches.  Connie observes, "The way we spend our time [in corporate worship] is an indicator of what we consider to be important."  She gives particular attention to the use of prayer and scripture reading.  Click to download the article.

You may also be interested in visiting Connie's Web site: www.constancecherry.com.

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A Sharp Rehearsal

Creator Magazine published Dan Sharp's article, "Rehearsal Tempo", in its May/June 2004 edition.

In this article Dan offers practical advice for choral rehearsal planning including suggestions on warm ups, pacing, learning notes, rehearsal dynamics, spiritual development and evaluation.  Click here to go to the article.

Visit the University Presbyterian Church web site to learn more about Dan's ministry in Seattle.  You can download the current week's order of worship from the homepage.

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Speaking Engagements

Connie Cherry will be teaching the course, "History of Congregational Song" for the Master of Arts in Worship Leadership at The Haggard School of Theology, Azusa Pacific University, which is offered as a week-long intensive in May.

Andy Hill will present a workshop on Spiritual Formation and Scripture at the Renovaré International Conference, "The With-God Life", this June 19-22 in Denver. The workshop is entitled: "Jeremiah, The Weeping Prophet and the Growth of the Soul."  For more information, visit Renovaré.

Reggie Kidd recently spoke at the The Sacrifice of Praise, Covenant Seminary Worship Renewal Conference (Feb. 28 to Mar. 2), on "Bach, Bubba, and the Blues Brothers: The Singing Savior's Many Voices".  You can read Reggie's article by the same title on the RTS web site.  It's worth visiting just to see the picture of Reggie in a beard!

Lester Ruth is giving the keynote addresses to the North American Association for the Catechumenate this summer in Chicago.  The topic is "Confessions of a Catechumenate Junkie: Reflections on the Adoption of the Catechumenate."  Go to the NAAC link for details.

Robert Webber (here is a sampling from Bob's schedule):

Regent College Pastor's Conference ("The Worshiping Life: Spirituality for the Desert and Other Tough Places"), May 3-6.  Click here for info.

Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, La Mirada, CA, May 13

Church Army, USA Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, May 15-21

Christian Scholars Conference, Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA, July 21-23.  Click here for info.

After Evangelicalism Conference, Cornerstone University, Grand Rapids, MI, September 15-17.  Click here for info.

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Alumni Seminar: Worship & Spirituality

The response for our June seminar has been good.  Many want to come just to see Bob's new hairstyle in person!

Bob has been consumed with the connection between worship and spirituality for more than a year as he has been researching and writing on the topic for his latest book.  Along with the seminar, you are invited to participate in Commencement on Sunday, June 12 at 6:00 p.m.  The alumni will don their regalia and process together.  A reception follows the ceremony.  You will also be able to join the IWS community in morning chapel worship and evening practicums.

Don't forget to mail your registration by April 15 to get the cost break.

IWS Alumni Seminar

June 13-14, 2005

Speaker: Dr. Robert Webber


“God’s Story as the Source of Worship and Spirituality”


For early registration by April 15: $80.00

After April 15: $100.00

Your spouse may attend for half the registration fee

 ($40 before April 15--$50 after April 15)

Mail your registration to IWS, ATTN: Jim Hart (address at left)

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Name the Newsletter Contest

There is still time to submit your suggestions! 

Email me your best idea for an appropriate name for our alumni newsletter.  Submissions will be reviewed by a panel of wise judges from among the faculty and staff who are not participating in the contest.  A winning title will be selected.  A popular and stylish IWS shirt will be awarded to the winner (style and color will be the choice of the winner).  This contest is open to students, alumni, faculty and staff.  Email your suggestion to me. 

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